If House Republicans have ideas that they think would improve the farm bill, lets see them. 如果众议院共和党人持有他们认为可以改进农业法案的想法,让他们拿出来。
4: Joe, they've been debating the farm bill for two weeks now. 他说:Joe,他们就有关农业的提案展开辩论已经有两个星期了。你认为到他们结束一切争论的时候会有甚么样的最终结果呢?
Agriculture also is a focus this week, as the Senate prepares to vote on the Farm Bill. 这周,当参议院准备农业法案的表决时,农业也成了焦点。
So, passing a budget; immigration reform; farm bill. 因此,通过预算案;移民改革;农业法案。
We should be able to pass a farm bill that helps rural communities grow and protects vulnerable Americans in hard times. 我们应该能够通过农业法案,帮助农村社区成长壮大,保护面临艰难处境的美国弱势群体。
The best way to help these States is for the folks in Congress to pass a farm bill that not only helps farmers and ranchers respond to natural disasters, but also makes some necessary reforms and gives farmers and ranchers some long-term certainty. 帮助这些国家最好的办法是在国会通过的一项农业法案,不仅帮助农民和牧场主应对自然灾害,而且要有一些必要的改革,给予农民和牧场主一些长期的保障。
The Bush administration's farm bill proposal will aid in getting the stalled Doha round of world trade talks going, even before it passes, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said last week. 农业部长迈克•约翰斯上周说,布什政府有关农业法案的提议将会推动陷于停顿的多哈回合世贸谈判,尽管目前尚未通过。
It is crucial to reform in the next US farm bill. 这对于美国新农业法案改革至关重要。
Measures to broaden eligibility for food stamps and increase emergency food provision are contained within a$ 288bn farm bill which has been held up for months by divisions on how to pay for budget increases. 旨在扩大食品券申领资格及增加紧急食品供应的措施,包含在一项2880亿美元的农业法案中。由于各方在如何支付预算增加额的问题上存在分歧,此项法案已搁置了数月。
The main reason for the impasse up to this point was a disagreement about the number of amendments that would be debated during consideration of the farm bill. 此前导致僵局的主要原因在于,围绕农业法案审议期间需要讨论的修订数量存在分歧。
His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup. 他接下来的计划是在进行全体委员会审定之前,花一周时间从整体上考虑一下整个农业法案。
The damage of this US farm bill to the free trade, said Schott, has far surpassed the damage brought about by the measure of imposing tariffs on steel imports. 萧特说,美国此一农业法案对自由贸易的伤害,远超过课徵钢铁进口税的措施所构成的伤害。
After the2002 Farm Bill was passed, it did not take long for some farm-state lawmakers and farm groups to complain about some USDA decisions regarding implementation. 《2002年农业法案》通过后不久,一些农业州的立法委员及农场团体就开始抱怨美国农业部关于法案实施的某些决策。
He said the current farm bill works well for most producers, and noted that if a farmer did not have a positive cash flow under this farm bill, he hasn't been managing his operation properly. 他说,目前的农业法案对大部分生产者是有利的,根据目前的农业法案,如果一个农民的现金流没有呈现正数,就说明他经营不当。
Not only does the farm bill remain unresolved, but draft versions kicking round Capitol Hill have worrying global implications. 不仅农业法案悬而未决,而且在国会遭到推诿的该法案草案对国际社会的影响也令人担忧。
He said the2002 farm bill was designed to be the most market-oriented bill ever in place, to provide assistance to producers only when times were tough. 查姆布里斯说,2002年农业法案是市场化最显明的一部法案,该法案仅在生产者陷入困境时,才给他们提供援助。
They also want to require that those amendments be germane to the underlying farm bill. 他们还希望规定修订内容必须与基本的农业法案密切相关。
The Biomass Crop Assistance Program ( BCAP), which was a new initiative in the2008 Farm Bill, provides an economic incentive for producing renewable energy. 2008年农场议案宣布的生物质作物援助计划,为生产可再生能源提供了经济动力。
Regarding a new farm bill, Chambliss said he does not support an extension of the current legislation. 关于新的农业法案,查姆布里斯说,他不支持对当前农业法案进行延期。
Another issue that has been discussed as a possible farm bill amendment is immigration. 另一个有可能作为法案修订议题来讨论的事项是移民问题。
But other proposed changes in the farm bill are less helpful, particularly a shift back towards linking farm subsidy payments to output, placing world agriculture and consumption patterns at the whim of US politics. 但农业法案中提出的其他改革建议却没有多大益处,特别是重新将农业补贴款与产量挂钩的建议,那样做会令世界农业和粮食消费模式受到美国政治的左右。
The ACRE ( Average Crop Revenue Election) program in the farm bill is specifically designed to help farmers survive these sorts of fluctuations in economic circumstances. 农业法案中的平均作物收入选择方案就是专门用来帮助农场主度过此类经济波动。
SPLIT-PHASE METHOD The Political Economy of the 2007 Farm Bill Legislation 美国2007年农场法立法的政治经济学分析